Thursday, March 18, 2010

Hardware and Software Requirements

Management shall receive authorization from Zoning Board and city’s historic society to disrupt ceiling and walls in order to run electrical and computer wire throughout museum.
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Using Starlight Networks, Sun Microsystems and CIBER Network Services, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has installed an interactive multimedia exhibits using kiosks, which is the most similar system to the proposed computer museum system. This system also uses a centralized database and networked kiosks. Our system is very similar; however, it will be more cost-effective and better managed by one company taking charge of development, not three.
Operating System Options
o Windows 2000
o Unix
o Mac OS
Sound System Alternatives
o speakers
o headphones
o hearing impaired software add-ons
1. System shall link with database, current inventory system, and billing system.
2. Server shall hold exhibit information as well as multimedia clips
3. System shall run MPGs and WAV files without interruption.
4. The museum system shall allow multiple patrons and/or employees located in different parts of the museum to access information on the same exhibit at the same time.
1. Database shall be written in Oracle programming language.
2. Database shall provide static queries for popular exhibits or locations and shall provide ability to perform dynamic queries, such as search for exhibits by date or inventor.
3. Employee shall edit written information on exhibit
4. Employee shall edit location of exhibits
5. Manager shall run daily, weekly, and/or monthly reports on aggregate numbers of inquiries to each exhibit
6. Manager shall reassign location of exhibit(s) and change location in system
7. Database shall be maintained by systems administrator.
8. Administrator shall add new movie and/or audio clips to existing exhibits
9. Administrator shall remove exhibits from system
10. Administrator shall enhance pictures of exhibits (JPGs)
Unit/Interface(Functional Requirement)
1. Interface shall provide touch-pad control.
[This is to make the system more user-friendly and clean]
2. Unit shall be a one-piece unit with tilted screen to allow for optimal viewing.
3. Interface shall be written in the English language.
4. Interface buttons shall be oversized and colorful for readability.
5. Patron shall be able to search information about and location of any exhibit in museum alphabetically.
6. Patron shall be able to search information about and location of any exhibit by category (printer, monitor, CPU, speakers, etc.)
7. Patron shall be able to search information on exhibits by location (first floor, second floor, third floor)
8. Patron shall be able to see short simulation or hear short audio about specific exhibit(s)
9. The museum system shall show patrons where a
chosen exhibit is located in the museum with a clear map.
Unit/Interface(Non-functional Requirements)
1. Units shall be located in hallways and/or public areas. This is to allow museum management to relocate exhibits or redesign floor plan without having to move units.
2. Unit shall be 4’ tall with step stool built in.
[This is to accommodate various ages and heights of patrons]
3. Interface shall not include any shades of green or red.
[This is to be sure color-blind patrons can read material].
4. Interface controls shall be written at a 3rd grade reading level
[Patrons who can use system will be 12 years or older]
5. Units shall have a viewing screen no smaller than 19".
6. Delivery and installation of units must occur on evenings and weekends so not to disturb or injure patrons during normal business hours.

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